1. Environmental protection:环保
2. Protection of the environment:保护环境
3. Love for nature:热爱大自然
5. Sort out:分类整理
6. Waste classification:垃圾分类
7. Wastewater treatment:污水处理
8. Publicize the knowledge of environmental protection:宣传环保知识
9. S***e energy:节约能源
10. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle(3R):减少、重复使用、再循环
1、We h***e only one earth. 我们只有一个地球。
2、Conserve energy. 节约能源。
3、Reuse paper. 重复使用纸张。
4、Reuse plastic bags. 重复使用塑料袋。
5、Repair broken items. 修理破损的物品。
1.We'd better not liter in the street.
2.We should not spit in public places.
3.Everyone ought to do his bit to keep the public places clean.
4.We should fill in our kids' mind how important the enviroment is.
5.The concept of enviroment protection should be written in books for children in kindergarden.
6.When you walk your dog,if your dog dropped something in the street,you ought to clean that.
7.Men who ***oke had better take along a bag for collecting ash when get out.
8.If you are suffering from a cold ,you should bring along a pack of tissue anytime.
9.We'd better not build so many factories around here,or else the enviroment would be worse.
10.If someone is contaminating the enviroment,you ought to stop him.
环保(Environmental Protection):这是最直接、最广泛的环保词汇,它指的是***取措施保护环境,减少对自然***的破坏和污染。
可持续发展(Sustainable Development):这个概念强调在满足当前人类需求的同时,不损害未来世代满足自身需求的能力。它涉及到经济、社会、环境三个方面的平衡发展。
节能减排(Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction):这是指通过改进技术、提高能效、减少能源消耗和污染物排放,以降低对环境的负面影响。
绿色生活(Green Life):这个词汇鼓励人们在日常生活中***取环保措施,如减少浪费、使用环保产品、回收利用等,以降低个人对环境的负担。
低碳出行(Low-carbon Tr***el):这个概念倡导选择碳排放量较低的交通方式,如步行、自行车、公共交通等,以减少交通领域对环境的影响。
生态保护(Ecological Protection):这是指***取措施保护生态系统的完整性和稳定性,维护生物多样性和生态平衡。
绿色能源(Green Energy):这是指清洁、可再生的能源,如太阳能、风能、水能等,这些能源的使用可以减少对化石燃料的依赖和减少温室气体排放。